Monday, July 27, 2009

buzzing branches

The weeping willow is filled with wasps. Big nasty ones. It literally hums from a distance, and the fuzzy buggers fall on you as you walk under it. They seem to be fighting with one another, and fall out of the tree struggling with one another like that ridiculous scene in Mission Impossible when Tom Cruise and his nemesis both leap off their flying motorcycles to engage in a mid-air fist fight.
Well, it isn't funny. The tree is infested with Giant Bark Aphids, which seem to have migrated from the street behind our garage, and the wasps are attracted to them. I've called an arborist about removing about half the tree, and most of the horizontal branches that are in the worst shape. He's going to install some wasp traps, too, which he says are only filled with water - non-toxic.

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